A complete list of publications, including Internet links to the published documents where available, appears in the Curriculum Vitae.

The following publications are made available here for convenience. They can be downloaded or viewed online. Click on a title to see more details including a short abstract.

Dipl. Eng. Dissertation

Ioannou, P.G., "Τοπική Συνάφεια Χάλυβα-Σκυροδέματος και Λογισμιτική Διερεύνηση των Συνεπειών της Μηχανικής Συμπεριφοράς του Οπλισμένου Σκυροδεματος (Analytical Studies on Reinforced Concrete Members Under Cyclic Loading Based on Bond Stress-Slip Relationships)", Dipl. Eng. Dissertation, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1979. (In Greek.)

Tassios, T.P., and P.J. Yannopoulos, "Analytical Studies on Reinforced Concrete Members Under Cyclic Loading Based on Bond Stress-Slip Relationships," ACI Journal, May-June 1981, Title no. 78-19, American Concrete Institute.

Ph.D. Dissertation

Martinez, J. C., "STROBOSCOPE: State and Resource Based Simulation of Construction Processes," Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1996.

CEE Reports

Harris, R.B. and P.G. Ioannou, Repetitive Scheduling Method, UMCEE Report No. 98-35, Civil & Environmental Engineering Dept., Univ. of Michigan, Nov. 1998.

Dias, A., and P.G. Ioannou, P.G., A Desirability Model for the Development of Privately Promoted Infrastructure Projects, Volumes I and II, UMCEE Report No. 95-09, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., Univ. of Michigan, May 1995, 320 pp.

Dias, A., and P.G. Ioannou, P.G., Optimal Capital Structure for Privately-Financed Infrastructure Projects — Valuation of Debt, Equity, and Guarantees, UMCEE Report No. 95-10, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept., Univ. of Michigan, May 1995, 83 pp.


Likhitruangsilp, V., and Ioannou, P. G., "Quantitative Assessment of Risk Sensitivity in Construction Cost Estimating," Proceedings: 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering 2004, Phetburi, Thailand, May 19, 2004.

Likhitruangsilp, V., and Ioannou, P. G., "Detailed probabilistic construction estimating by Monte Carlo simulation,” Proceedings: 9th National Convention on Civil Engineering 2004, Phetburi, Thailand, May 19, 2004.

Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Who Serves Whom? Dynamic Resource Matching in an Activity-Scanning Simulation System," Proceedings, Winter Simulation Conference 99, Phoenix, Arizona, December 5-8, 1999

Ioannou, P.G., "Construction of a Dam Embankment with Nonstationary Queues," Proceedings, Winter Simulation Conference 99, Phoenix, Arizona, Dec. 5-8, 1999

Martinez, J.C. and P.G. Ioannou. "General Purpose Systems for Effective Construction Simulation," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, American Society of Civil Engineers, (125)4, July-August 1999.

Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Project Scheduling Using State-based Probabilistic Decision Networks" Proceedings, Winter Simulation Conference 98, 1287-1295, Washington, D.C., December 13-16, 1998

Harris, R.B. and Ioannou, P.G. "Scheduling Projects with Repeating Activities." Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 124, No. 4, 269-278, July-August 1998.

Martinez, J.C., Ioannou P.G., "State-Based Probabilistic Scheduling Using Stroboscope's CPM Add-On," Proceedings, Construction Congress V, 438-445, Minneapolis, MN, Oct 4-8, 1997.

Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Simulation of Complex Construction Processes," Proceedings, 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, 1321-1328, Coronado, CA, December 8-11, 1996.

Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Scaleable Simulation Models for Construction Operations," Proceedings, 1996 Winter Simulation Conference, 1329-1336, Coronado, CA, December 8-11, 1996.

Ioannou, P.G., J.C. Martinez, "Comparison of Construction Alternatives Using Matched Simulation Experiments," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 3, 231-241, September 1996.

Ioannou, P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Animation of Complex Construction Simulation Models," Proceedings, 3rd Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, 620-626, ASCE, Anaheim, CA, June 17-19, 1996.

Dias, A., P.G. Ioannou, "Company and Project Evaluation Model for Privately-Promoted Infrastructure Projects," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 122, No. 1, 71-82, March 1996.

Martinez, J.C., P.G. Ioannou, "Advantages of the Activity Scanning Approach in Modeling Complex Construction Processes," Proceedings, 1995 Winter Simulation Conference, 1024-1031, Washington, DC, December 1995.

Dias, A., P.G. Ioannou, "Debt Capacity and Optimal Capital Structure for Privately Financed Infrastructure Projects," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 121, No. 4, 404-414, December 1995.

Ioannou P.G., Martinez, J.C., "Evaluation of Construction Alternatives Using Simulation," Construction Congress 95, ASCE, 440-447, San Diego, CA, October 22-26, 1995.

Martinez, J.C., Ioannou, P.G., "General Purpose Simulation with Stroboscope," Proceedings, 1994 Winter Simulation Conference, 1159-1166, Orlando, FL, December 11-14, 1994.

Martinez, J.C., Ioannou, P.G., Carr R.I., "State- and Resource-Based Construction Process Simulation," Proceedings, ASCE First Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering, 177-184, Washington, DC, June 20-22, 1994.

Ioannou, P.G., L.Y. Liu, "Advanced Construction Technology System — ACTS," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 2, 288-306, June 1993.

Ioannou, P.G., S.S. Leu, "Average Bid Method — A Competitive Bidding Strategy," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 119, No. 1, 131-147, March 1993.

Ioannou, P.G., "Evaluation of Subsurface Exploration Programs," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 3, 339-356, Sept. 1989.

Ioannou, P.G., "Dynamic Probabilistic Decision Processes," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 115, No. 2, 237-257, June 1989.

Ioannou, P.G., R.I. Carr, "Advanced Building Technology Matrix System," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 4, 517-531, Dec. 1988.

Ioannou, P.G., "Geological Exploration and Risk Reduction in Tunneling," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 4, 532-547, Dec. 1988.

Ioannou, P.G., "Pilot Tunnels — The Contractors' Position," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 4, 594-613, Dec. 1988.

Ioannou, P.G., "Bidding Models — Symmetry and State of Information," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 2, 214-232, June 1988.

Ioannou, P.G., "Geologic Prediction Model for Tunneling," Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE, Vol. 113, No. 4, 569-590, Dec. 1987.